Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Splash Screen Form Lenses and mirrors

Figure III.6 Draft Form Splash Screen

Description Form Splash Screen:
  1. The name of the software that is' SOFTWARE FORMATION SHADOW IN THE MIRROR AND LENS '.
  2. Image logo of the software.
  3. Data compilers identity.
  4. Majors are taken by the authors 'Computer Science'.
  5. Description that reads 'Final Project / Thesis (S1)'.
  6. The operating system that supports the software running the 'OS' Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / XP '.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The image formation and Calculations Lenses and mirrors

In accordance with the discussion of the previous chapter that the mirror can be divided into three types, namely flat mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror, then this chapter will discuss the process of the formation of the shadow for each mirror.

The process of formation of a shadow on a flat mirror is quite simple. In accordance with the characteristics of a flat mirror that is a shadow formed is always virtual, upright , and equally large, then the distance to the mirror images forming the same distant object distance to the mirror and the shadow is behind the mirror. However, the reverse direction toward the object. To be more clear, look at the example III.1 image below:
Figure III.1 Examples of cases on a flat mirror

Suppose the distance to the object and the mirror is 5 cm tall object is 6 cm, then the shadow distance to the mirror is 5 cm and the height is also equal to the shadow object is 6 c .

The process of formation of a concave mirror images using special assistance rays from a concave mirror. Shadow lies in the intersection point of two of the reflected light rays are privileged . As a case example, suppose the object is placed between the center of curvature ( M ) and the focal point of the mirror ( f ) as shown in the following figure III.2 .
Figure III.2 Examples of cases in a concave mirror

Suppose is known distance focal point is 2 cm concave mirror , the object distance is 3 cm and 1 cm tall object is , the process of calculating the distance and height of the shadow is as follows :

1/So 1/Si + = 1 / f
( 1/3 ) + ( 1/Si ) = ( 1/2 )
1/Si = ( 1/2 ) - ( 1/3 )
Si = 6 cm
Thus , the shadow is 6 cm in front of the concave mirror ( real image )

2 ) Magnification SHADOWS ( M )

M = Si / So = -6 / 3 = -2
Thus , the shadow is 2 times magnification
( The image is enlarged )

3 ) HIGH SHADOW ( hi )

hi = M * ho = 2 * 1 = 2 cm
Thus , the shadow is 2 cm high

Images forming possess real ( true ) , inverted and magnified .
The process of formation of a convex mirror images also use the help of special rays of a convex mirror. Shadow lies in the intersection point of two of the reflected light rays are privileged. The main difference from a concave mirror and a convex mirror is the focal point of a concave mirror located in front of the mirror while the focal point of a convex mirror located behind the mirror. As a case example, suppose the objects placed in front of a convex mirror as shown in the following figure III.3 .
Figure III.3 Examples of cases in a convex mirror

Suppose is known distance focal point is 2 cm convex mirror, the object distance is 3 cm and 1 cm tall object is , the process of calculating the distance and height of the shadow is as follows :

1/So 1/Si + = 1 / f
( 1/3 ) + ( 1/si ) = ( 1/-2 )
1/Si = ( 1/-2 ) - ( 1/3 )
Si = -1.5 cm
Thus , the shadow is located 1.5 cm behind the convex mirror ( virtual image )
2 ) Magnification SHADOWS ( M )

M = Si / So = -1.5 / 3 = 0.4
Thus , the shadow is 0.4 times magnification
( Shadow minimized )

3 ) HIGH SHADOW ( hi )

hi = M * ho = 0.4 * 1 = 0.4 cm
Thus , the shadow is 0.4 cm high
Images forming properties virtual, upright and reduced.
As for the lens is divided into two kinds , namely convex lens and a concave lens. The process of forming a shadow on the convex lens also uses special assistance rays of a convex lens. Lies in the shadow of two intersection points of light refracted ray is special. As a case example, suppose the objects placed in front of the convex lens as shown in the following figure III.4.
Figure III.4 Examples of cases in a convex lens

Suppose is known distance focal point is 3 cm convex lens, the object distance is 5 cm and 1 cm tall object is, the process of calculating the distance and height of the shadow is as follows :

1/So 1/Si + = 1 / f
( 1/5 ) + ( 1/Si ) = ( 1/3 )
1/Si = ( 1/3 ) - ( 1/5 )
Si = 7.5 cm
Thus , the shadow is located 7.5 cm behind the lens Convex (real image)

2 ) Magnification SHADOWS (M)

M = -Si/So = -7.5 / 5 = -1.5
Thus , the shadow is 1.5 times magnification
(The image is enlarged)

3 ) HIGH SHADOW ( hi )

hi = M * ho = 1.5 * 1 = 1.5 cm
Thus , the shadow is 1.5 cm high
Images forming possess real ( true ) , inverted and magnified.
The process of forming a shadow on concave lens also uses special assistance rays from a concave lens. Lies in the shadow of two intersection points of light refracted ray is special. The main difference of concave lens and convex lens is the main focal point of a concave lens is located behind the main focal point of the lens while the convex lens located in front of the lens . As a case example, suppose the objects placed in front of a concave lens as shown in the following figure III.5 .
Figure III.5 Examples of cases on a concave lens

Suppose is known distance focal point is 3 cm concave lens , the object distance is 5 cm and 1 cm tall object is , the process of calculating the distance and height of the shadow is as follows :

1/So 1/Si + = 1 / f
( 1/5 ) + ( 1/Si ) = ( 1/-3 )
1/Si = ( 1/-3 ) - ( 1/5 )
Si = -1.88 cm
Thus , the shadow is 1.88 cm in front of the concave lens ( virtual image )

2 ) Magnification SHADOWS ( M )

M = -Si/So = - (-1.88) / 5 = 0.38
Thus , the shadow is 0:38 times magnification
( Shadow minimized )

3 ) HIGH SHADOW ( hi )

hi = M * ho = 0.38 * 1 = 0.38 cm
Thus , the shadow is 0:38 cm high
Images forming properties virtual , upright and reduced .

Friday, November 15, 2013

Shadow Form Formation Process Lenses and mirrors

Figure III.7 Draft Shadow Form Formation Process

Description Shadow Form Formation Process Lenses and mirrors :
  1. Title bar , which reads' Shadow on the Establishment of Software Mirrors and lenses ' .
  2. The ' X ' , serves to close the software .
  3. Regional image of the shadow formation process .
  4. Regional view the execution results .
  5. Local display that measures are being carried out .
  6. The table displays the properties of the images forming .
  7. The distance inputting objects .
  8. The focal distance of inputting .
  9. The high inputting objects .
  10. Regional appearance rotational speed of the object ( horse ) .
  11. Updown to adjust the rotational speed of the object ( horse ) .
  12. Combobox to select the type of mirror / lens desired .
  13. The ' About ' , serves to display the form ' About ' .
  14. The ' Shadow & Image Process Count ' , serves to start the process representation and calculation .
  15. The ' Print Results Calculation ' , function to print the results of the calculation media through the printer .
  16. The ' Exit ' , serves to get out of the software .

Functional Requirements of Software Lens and Mirror

Functional Requirements of Software Lens and Mirror. The software is designed to do the following things:
  1. Designed software capable of displaying simulated shadow formation process.
  2. The software is able to demonstrate the rotation of the object object.
  3. The software is able to calculate the height and distance of objects shadow.
  4. The software is able to determine the properties of the shadows.
  5. Mirrors that can be described is the process of formation of reflection flat mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror.
  6. Lens that can shadow formation process is described convex lens and a concave lens.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Form About Lenses and mirrors

Figure III.8 Draft Form About

 Description Form About :
  1. titlebar that reads 'About MyApp'.
  2. The 'X', serves to close the software.
  3. The name of the software that is' SOFTWARE FORMATION SHADOW IN THE MIRROR AND LENS'.
  4. Data identity of the author.
  5. Image logo of the software.
  6. The 'OK', serves to close the form 'About'.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Designing Software Display Lenses and mirrors

Software forming mirror images and the lens is designed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with support for several components of the following standards :

  1. MSFlexGrid (Microsoft FlexGrid), serves as a table to display the properties of the shadows.
  2. RichTextBox , serves to show the calculation results .
  3. Labels , serves to display information .
  4. ComboBox , serves to provide some alternative options.
  5. Textbox, serves as the input data .
  6. Command Button , serves as a button .
  7. PictureBox , serves as a depiction of the shadow formation process .
  8. Image , serves to display the image .
  9. Shape Line , serves as a special ray of mirrors and lenses .
  10. Timer , serves to set the time interval in accessing a procedure .
  11. Updown , serves to set the value of the number that appears on a textbox .

Form - the form contained in this software are:

1 . Splash Screen Form
2 . Shadow Form Formation Process
3 . form About

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Theory of Light Mirror Lens

Every day people need the light. With the light, be the light of the world so everyone can see objects around and enjoy the beautiful scenery. If there is no light, all darkness visible. People can not see anything. Thus, light is something that is very important in human life.

II.1.1 . understanding Light
Experts have long learned to know the essence of light. At first, the light is defined as a stream of particles emitted by the light -producing objects (light sources). However, another investigation states that light is a wave because light has the properties as that of the wave. In the end, they concluded that both of the above theory is that the light is propagating material and light is a wave is correct.
Humans can hear sound through the sense of hearing, the ear. Meanwhile, humans can catch the light by using the senses of sight, the eye. As sound, light is also a wave. Thus, light is a wave that can be captured by the eye.

In the 1860's, who is also an expert mathematician Physics of Scotland , James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) put forward the theory that light is a wave propagation generated by a combination of electric and magnetic fields . Waves generated by a combination of electric and magnetic fields called electromagnetic waves . Direction of vibration and direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves perpendicular to each other . Therefore, the electromagnetic waves propagate transversely . Electromagnetic waves can propagate in a vacuum . That's why sunlight can reach the earth's surface .

Wavelength of light determines the type of light it produces . Based on the wavelength of light can be divided into two kinds , namely :
  1. Visible light is an electromagnetic wave type most famous . This light is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves that can be captured by the human eye . Wavelength of visible light ranges from 4 x 10-7 m ( purple ) to 7 x 10-7 m ( red ) . Outside the range of the human eye can not detect it .
  2. Light is light that is not visible can not be detected by the human eye because its wavelength is outside the range that can be detected by the human eye . Examples of light is not visible gamma rays , X-rays , ultraviolet and infrared rays .
Because light propagates in a straight line , then when the light is blocked by opaque objects (dark objects), the area behind the barrier will not receive light . If there is a barrier behind the screen or wall , the wall is formed on the screen or a dark area called the shadows . The shadows can be divided into two types , namely :
  1. Umbra shadows .
  2. If the beam of light emitted from a small light source (can be considered as points) blocked , then there is no other part of the visible light source behind a barrier. Thus , formed a dark shadow called the umbra .Penumbra shadows .

At a relatively large light source , in addition to form as well umbra shadow blur formed called the penumbra. Penumbra can occur because some of the light beam is blocked and the source of most of the other files are still visible .

Formation shadows umbra and penumbra can be observed at the time of the eclipse , both solar and lunar eclipses. When a solar eclipse , most of the region experienced a total solar eclipse , the majority experienced a partial solar eclipse (partial  and some do not experience an eclipse . An area experiencing a total solar eclipse because the area just hit umbra shadow of the moon. In this area the sun was not visible at all . Penumbral shadow areas affected by the moon will experience a partial solar eclipse . In this region the sun is only partially visible . Getting away from the umbra shadow , the greater part of the sun is visible , so the brighter the penumbral shadow . In the areas that did not experience an eclipse , the sun was not at all deterred by the moon . The sun seemed intact .

In the event of a lunar eclipse , moon first enters the penumbral shadow of the earth so the moon looks dim . When the moon enters the Earth's umbra shadow , the moon does not appear at all . Moments later , the moon leaves the umbra shadow and back into the penumbral shadow . The moon was bright as normal after coming out of the shadows penumbra .

If the size of the light source is much larger than the barrier , it does not form a shadow umbra . The shadows are formed only a shadow penumbra . Due to the very large size of the source , then no matter where the object is behind the barrier , the parts of objects that emit light is always visible . There is no place behind the barrier that keeps the light source completely closed , except when observed at a very close distance from an obstacle .

Broadly speaking , the light has the properties as follows :

a. Is a wave and a particle .
b. Can undergo reflection .
c. Can undergo refraction .
d. Can undergo diffraction .
e. Can interference .
f. Can dispersion .
g. Can be polarized .
h. Can undergo scattering .

Light refraction Lens Mirror

Deflection of light beam that propagates from one medium to another medium of different optical densities called refraction (refraction) . Refraction occurs because the optical density of the two different mediums . Optical density of the air is smaller than the optical density of the glass so that the refraction of light from air into glass ( glass ) is as shown below II.2 :
Figure II.2 process of the refraction of light from air into glass

Refraction events often encountered in everyday life. If a pencil is inserted into the water with oblique direction until half submerged, the pencil looks as if broken. Sightings as it happens because light reflected from the eye pencil that reaches past the two media : water and air . When light enters the boundary between water and air, changing direction of the beam. This is due to the optical density of the two different mediums. Medium water is denser than air medium .

Like the light reflection, refraction of light also follow certain rules. There are two rules that determine the course of the refraction of light, namely :

a. Law of refraction , which reads light I come , refracted ray and the normal line lies in a plane , all three intersect at one point .

b . The second law of refraction , which reads :

i . Light coming from a less dense medium to a more dense medium is refracted normal line approach .
ii . Light coming from a more dense medium to a less dense medium is refracted away from the normal line .
This rule was first proposed by van Royen Willebrord Snell (1591 - 1626) , a Dutch mathematician , then this rule is also called Snell's law .

Optical density of a medium is expressed by a quantity called the refractive index . Vacuum has the smallest density so that the experts agree that the refractive index of a vacuum rated 1 . Because air density approaching the density of a vacuum , the refractive index of air was considered equal to 1 . By analyzing the refraction of light that comes from the air into a medium , it can be determined from the refractive index of the medium .

Like the sound , the speed of light in the medium range is not the same . On a less dense medium light propagates faster . In contrast , in the more dense medium light propagates slower . This is evident because the light propagates fastest in a vacuum .

A Dutch scientist , Christian Huygens (1629 - 1695) stated that the actual refraction occurs due to differences in the speed of light . According to Huygens , two different media with refractive indices n1 and n2 and the speed of light in it v1 and v2 effect relationship :

n1 v2
n2 v1

n1 , n2 = refractive index of the first and second substances
v1 , v2 = velocity of light in the substance first and second ( m / s , cm / s )
If the vacuum is taken as one of the medium, then n1 = 1 and v1 = 3 x 108 m / s . Suppose the medium refractive index n and the second is called the propagation of light in it is v , then we obtain the equation :
n =
n = refractive index of substances
c = velocity of light in vacuum
v = velocity of light in the substance
Refractive index for some substances can be seen in the table below .
Table II.1 refractive index for several substances
The refractive index of a substance name
Air (0 ° C , 1 atm ) 1.00039
Hydrogen (0 ° C , 1 atm ) 1.00013
Carbon dioxide (0 ° C , 1 atm ) 1.00045
Air 1.33
ice 1.31
ethanol 1.36
benzene 1.50
glycerin 1.48
Canada balsam 1.50
Carbon sulfide 1.62
Quartz glass 1.45
Glass corona 1.53
Glass flinta 1.58
diamond 2.42

If the light comes from a dense medium towards the less dense medium , the angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence . If the incident angle is being enlarged , then the angle of refraction was greater . At some point there will come a corner cause bias precise angle 90o . Angle causes worth 90o angle of refraction is called the critical angle . When there is a critical angle , the light is no longer refracted but reflected entirely . Events in the field of the incident light is reflected entirely limit is called total reflection or total reflection .

Actual light that comes on the boundary two different mediums always having reflectivity , although only a small part . Most of the refracted light will come . However , when there is total reflection will come across the reflected beam .

Total reflection can not occur when light moves from less dense medium to a more dense medium . Total reflection occurs only if the angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence . This only happens when light propagates from a dense medium towards the less dense medium . Thus , the total reflection condition is as follows :
  1. Light coming from a more dense medium to a less dense medium .
  2. Angle of incidence is smaller than the angle of refraction .

If the relative refractive index of the second medium is known , then the critical angle can be determined using projection . Because the refracted ray angle coincides with the limit , then the projection of the same length as the bias light refracted ray itself.
Example of total reflection that occurs is :

a. Mirage .
In hot desert areas , people often see in front of him there was water and shade trees . Once approached , were not found anything . This event is called a mirage . The process of mirage is as follows :
During the day the sand experiencing high heating . Air layer around sand has a higher temperature than the air layer above it . Getting to the top of the lower temperatures . The air has a higher temperature has a lower refractive index . Thus , the air above the sand can be divided into layers with different indices . Lowermost layer of air has a refractive index of the smallest . Getting to the top , the greater the refractive index of air .
Light of trees sloping downward direction will be refracted away from the normal when it enters the air layer underneath. Further down , the greater the angle of refraction of light . On a particular layer , the light is not refracted but reflected perfectly again . This happens because of the angle of incidence of the previous medium beyond the critical angle . Once reflected , light moves from a medium with a small refractive index toward a medium with a refractive index greater. As a result , light is refracted close to the normal line . Light into a curved trajectory . Propagation direction of light entering the eye to cause the person to see the shadow of a nearby tree .

b . Optical fiber .
Fiber optics used in telecommunications as a medium of information delivery . Different fiber optic cables are also a common medium of information delivery . Information sent shockwaves through the cord -shaped , whereas the information is transmitted over optical fiber wave-shaped light . The use of light waves enables the delivery of information much faster than using electric waves . In addition , the use of optical fiber is cheaper and safer . The fiber optic cable can replace dozens at once .

Light Reflectance Mirror Lens

Light is a wave . One of the properties can be reflected wave is . If the light falling on a surface , partially reflected and partially transmitted or absorbed . Amount of light reflected or absorbed depends on the nature of the reflective surfaces . If the surface of a mirror , almost all the light is reflected . If the black surface rough , almost all the light is absorbed. An object can be seen as the objects reflect light into the eye .
Light has the reflectivity law reads :

a. Reflection angle ( r ) is equal to the angle of incidence ( i ) .
i = r

b . Rays come , light reflectance and normal lines lie in one plane and three intersect at one point .
Figure II.1 Illustration law reflectance of light

Based on the image II.1 above , it can be seen that the direction of the normal line is always perpendicular to the surface at the observed point . If the reflective surface in the form of a flat, smooth , normal line direction at various points together . However , if the surface area of ??a squiggly , normal line direction can be different at different points . Based on the state of the object surface reflects the light , the reflection can be divided into two types , namely :

a. Regular Reflection .
If the beam of parallel light , eg sunlight or flashlight , dropped on a flat plane , the beam fell at various points have the same angle as the direction normal lines are all the same , so that the reflection angle all the files are the same. As a result , the reflected light is also a parallel beam . Reflection is called regular reflection . Regular reflection the reflected beam resulting number is almost the same as the incident light beam . Therefore , regular reflection reflective surfaces will appear bright ( shiny ) .

b . Diffuse Reflectance .
If the beam of parallel light dropped on an uneven surface ( grooved ) , the direction of the normal line can be different at different points . As a result , the light beam falls at different points have come in different angles and being reflected at different reflection angles . Thus , the reflected beam no longer have a regular way . Reflection so called irregular reflection or diffuse reflection . Diffuse reflectance resulted pantulnya beam spread in all directions . Thus , the beam of light received by the eye just a little . As a result , diffuse reflectance surfaces do look bleak .

Human can see objects because light from the object into the eye . Objects in question could be a source of light , but can also be a dark object .

Light sources are objects that produce their own light , such as sun , incandescent lamps and candles . Humans can see light directly from the source of light it emits.

Dark matter is matter that does not produce its own light , such as planets , moon , rocks , soil and plates . Humans can see dark objects because these objects reflect light from the light source to the eye .

Light that enters the eye to form a shadow that gives the impression that the person sees things. If there is no light coming into the eye , the person can not see objects even if the object is very close to the person. For example , a pencil in a pitch dark room will not look at all although the pencil may be near us . The cause is not at all reflected light into the eye pencil .

If an object emits light , but there was no light coming into the eye , the object was not visible . For example , light walls . Although the lamps give off light , but because there was no light coming into the eye of it then the lights are not visible at all .

So , there are two conditions that an object can be seen by the eye , namely :
a. The objects emit or reflect light .
b. Light emitted by things that can be captured by the eye .

Flat Mirrors

Flat mirrors are smooth flat surface covered with shiny materials . Flat mirror glass that is often seen in the form of a shiny material coated on the back side. This material is generally in the form of amalgam (mixture of silver and mercury) that are reflecting nearly all the light that falls on it.

Shadow is seen standing in front of the mirror is a sham because in the back of the mirror really is not anything. In other words , the shadow of the plane mirror is virtual image . The shadow is also seen facing the opposite direction to the direction in front of the mirror . Nonetheless , the shadow looks upright and has the same size as the object.

Thus , in general can be summarized shadow properties of flat mirrors are as follows :
  1. Maya .
  2. Upright .
  3. Facing upside down .
  4. Shadow distance equal to the distance to the mirror to mirror objects .
  5. Shadow size equal to the size of objects .

Figure II.3 Sketch shadow formation process on a flat mirror

Accordance with the drawings II.3 above , then the value of So equal to the value of the Si and the value equal to the value of ho hi , so it can be formulated as follows :

So = Si ................................................ ( 2.3 )
ho = hi ................................................ ( 2.4 )
- The hi
 M === 1 ................................. ( 2.5 )
 so ho

Description :
So = the distance of objects in the mirror .
Si = the distance to the mirror reflection .
ho = height of objects .
hi = high shadows .
M = magnification of objects .

Definition Mirror

If someone stands in front of a shiny object like a mirror , then surely it can be seen that picture looks like him. This picture is called a shadow .

If an object is illuminated , the object will reflect light in all directions . Light from the object will be the number of points on the surface of the reflector . Light beam falling at various points with a different angle. As a result, the light reflected by the different reflection angle .

Extension of the reflected light from various points on the mirror will intersect at a point. Intersections extension of light - reflected light is what creates the illusion of objects. Because the images forming an intersection of the reflected rays of different extension at the back surface of the reflector, it can only be a shadow without a catch can with a screen . Shadows are formed from the extension of the reflected light is called a virtual image , because this image can not be captured by the screen . Conversely , if the shadow is formed from the intersection of the reflected rays (not an extension of the reflected rays) , the image is called a real image (true) because these shadows can be captured by the screen.

Broadly speaking , the mirror can be divided into three types:
  1. Flat mirror .
  2. Concave mirror .
  3. Convex mirror .

Definition Lens

The lens is a transparent glass that has a curved surface. Curved surfaces can be:
a. Two convex surface (lens bikonveks).
b. Two concave surfaces (lens bikonkaf).
c. One convex and one concave surface (concave-convex lens / convex-concave lens).
d. One convex surface and one flat surface (plan-convex lens).
e. One concave surface and one flat surface (plan-concave lens).
Figure II.14 Lens Types

The second surface of the lens acts as a refracting surface. Different surfaces produce different total refraction effects. Based on the nature of the shadow formation, the lens can generally be divided into two kinds, namely:
a. Convex lens.
b. Concave lens.

Convex Mirror

Another form of a curved mirror is a convex mirror . The front of the convex mirror ( shiny part ) is the part that curved out (protrude). This mirror can be obtained from the slices with the ball gives amalgam coating on the concave side (inner), so that the outer side acts as a reflector.

Convex mirror will be discussed only convex mirror which is a spherical shell slices . Thus , the center is also a ball that sliced ??the center of curvature mirror .
Figure II.9 Illustration convex mirror
Based II.9 image above , it can be defined some of the terms contained in a convex mirror as follows :
  1. Point F is called the focal point or fire point mirror .
  2. M point is called the center of curvature mirror .
  3. The point O is called the center of the mirror field .
  4. Line through the point O and M is called the major axis .
  5. Distance OM = R is called the radius of curvature of the mirror .
Convex mirror reflection on the law as the law of reflection in the mirror the other . On convex mirror, the direction all the normal line at any point in the field of reflection away from the center of curvature. By using the law of refraction of light, we can see the reflection of any light beam toward the surface of the convex mirror.

Reflected beam always come away from the main axis . In other words , the reflected rays of light which comes always deployed . Because it is always spreading sunshine , then called a convex mirror diverging mirror .

The focal point of a convex mirror located behind the mirror so that the focal point is called the focal point of the virtual . Like a concave mirror , the convex mirrors are also three special rays , namely :

a. Beam is parallel to the major axis comes reflected as if coming from the focal point of the mirror .
Figure II.10 Reflection rays are parallel to the major axis come on convex mirror
b . Beam coming toward the virtual focal point will be reflected parallel to the main axis .
Figure II.11 reflection rays coming toward virtual focal point on convex mirror
c . The main beam toward the center of curvature mirror reflected back as if coming from the center of the curvature .
Figure II.12 reflection rays coming toward the center of curvature on convex mirror
Various experiments were conducted to determine the relationship between the object distance , the distance a shadow , and the focal point showed that the equation applicable to the concave mirror is also true for a convex mirror . However , there are some records relating to the use of the equation , namely :
  • a. Because the center of curvature of mirrors and mirror located at the focal point behind the mirror , then the calculation of the radius of the mirror ( R ) and focal length ( f ) is always a negative sign .
  • b . Because the image produced is always illusory , then the shadow distance calculations ( Si ) always is negative.
Thus , the equations used in the calculation of the convex mirror is the same as that used on the concave mirror , namely :

1 1 1
 + = ................................. ( 2.10)
So Si f
1 1 2
 + = ................................. ( 2.11)
So Si R
- The hi
 M == .............................. ( 2.12)
 so ho

Description :
So = the distance from the object to the center of the mirror field .
Si = the distance from the shadow to the center of the mirror field .
ho = height of objects .
hi = high shadows .
M = magnification of objects .

Convex mirror always minimize shadows of objects . Therefore , the range view mirror is wider than a flat mirror and a concave mirror that same extent . In other words , the main benefit is a convex mirror to expand the area of view .

Convex mirrors are widely used as a vehicle rearview mirror. Convex mirrors can also be used to observe the vehicle from the opposite direction on the street who has a sharp bend. This mirror is placed in the corner of the road so the driver of the vehicle in the opposite direction can see each other so that collisions can be avoided. Furthermore, a convex mirror is also used to prevent theft in the big stores or supermarkets . This mirror is placed at a certain position that allows visitors movement can be monitored through this mirror . This mirror is usually placed in the corner of the room .
Figure II.13 Examples formation convex mirror images

Convex Lens

The main characteristic of a convex lens is the center of the lens is thicker than the edges . Often called a convex lens convex lens or positive lens. The following are the types of convex lens surface by a curved shape :
  • Bikonveks lens is a lens that has two convex surfaces .
  • Plan - convex lens is a lens that has a convex surface and a flat surface .
  • Convex - concave lens is a lens that has one convex and one concave surface . In this case , the convex surface is more dominant than the concave surfac .
Convex lens is to collect light, so it is also called a converging lens. Point where the gathering is called refraction of light parallel to the focal point of the lens. Because the focal point of a convex lens can be captured, then the focal point of the convex lens is real or true. Distance to the focal point of the lens is called the focal point distance focal distance. Convex lens has two focal points are equidistant from the center of the lens. Focus distance of each lens varies depending on the combination of both surface curvature.

Because light can come from the front or from behind the lens , to make it easier to determine its shadow , the part where the lens is refracted rays come forward and set up as part of the lens where light is refracted set as the back . Focus in front of the lens is called the focal point (F1) and the other focal point is called the focus back (F2).
Figure II.15 Illustration Convex Lens
As with mirrors, the lenses are also three special rays are refracted by the lens. To discuss the light it needs to be known a convex lens term.
  1. Line AB is called the main axis of the lens .
  2. Point O called the point of the optical lens .
  3. F1 is the focal point of the front and back of the F2 is the focal point .
Special rays and refraction properties of the convex lens is as follows :

  • a. Axis parallel to the incident light is refracted through the main focal point of the back .
Figure II.16 Refraction rays that come in parallel to the main axis convex lens
  • b . Rays coming through the front focal point refracts parallel to the main axis .
Figure II.17 Refraction rays coming through the focal point on convex lens
  • c . The rays coming through the optical center passed without refracted .
Figure II.18 Refraction rays coming through the optical center of the convex lens
Equations involving convex lens focal distance, object distance, and the distance like a shadow on a concave mirror, namely :

1 1 1
 + = ................................. ( 2.13)
So Si f
- The hi
 M == .............................. ( 2.14)
 so ho

Description :
So = the distance from the object to the optical center of the lens .
Si = the distance from the shadow to the optical center of the lens .
ho = height of objects .
hi = high shadows .
M = magnification of objects .

As well as a concave mirror , focal length of a convex lens is positive because it is the real focus of the convex lens . Real object sits in its front lens and the calculation is positive . Virtual object is located behind the lens and in the calculation is negative. Real image located behind the lens and in the calculation is positive. Virtual image is located in front of the lens and the calculations are negative .

Properties of convex lenses that collect light and shadow can enlarge widely used in various devices , such as :
  1. Magnifying glass .
  2. Microscope .
  3. Glasses .
  4. Camera .
  5. Binoculars .
Figure II.19 Examples of shadow formation in a convex lens

Concave Mirror

Concave mirror is a mirror with a surface shaped into lengkungna . On the mirror plane reflector ( shiny part ) is in arch .

Concave mirror that will be discussed is only a slice of a spherical shell . Thus , the center is also a ball that sliced ??the center of curvature mirror .
Figure II.4 Illustration concave mirror

Based II.4 image above , it can be defined some of the terms contained in a concave mirror as follows :
  1. Point F is called the focal point or fire point mirror .
  2. M point is called the center of curvature mirror .
  3. The point O is called the center of the mirror field .
  4. Line through the point O and M is called the major axis .
  5. Distance OM = R is called the radius of curvature of the mirror .
Basically , the law of reflection of light on various surfaces is the same . Reflections distinguishing trait is the direction of the normal line . On a flat mirror all the normal line direction at every point in the same reflective plane ( parallel ) , which is perpendicular to the plane of reflection . While on a concave mirror , the direction all the normal line at any point on the reflected field is toward the center of curvature of the mirror . By using the law of refraction of light , we can see the reflection of any light beam toward the surface of the concave mirror .

Coming beam reflected on a concave mirror is always close to the main axis . In other words , the reflected rays of light which comes always collected . Because it is always collects the reflected light , the concave mirror is called converging mirror .

The reflected rays of parallel rays that come in a concave mirror intersect at one point . Point of intersection of the reflected rays lie on the major axis and is called the focal point of a concave mirror . Distance to the center focus point field mirror is half the length of the radius of curvature of the mirror . If R is the radius of curvature of the mirror and f is the focal distance of the central point of the mirror field , then apply :

f = .......................................... ( 2.6 )

As in the flat mirror , concave mirror images formed from the intersection of the reflected rays . To make it easier to paint shadows on the concave mirror , usually required special assistance rays in a concave mirror . Rays that include :
  • a. Axis parallel to the incident light is reflected through the main focal point .
Figure II.5 reflection rays come parallel to the main axis of the concave mirror
  • b . Rays coming through the focal point is reflected parallel major axis .
Figure II.6 reflection rays coming through the focal point of the concave mirror
  • c . Rays coming through the center of curvature mirror reflected back through that point .
Figure II.7 reflection rays coming through the center of curvature on the concave mirror
Object distance , shadow distance and distance focal point on a concave mirror turns interrelated . If two of the three magnitude is known , then the third magnitude can be searched . Through careful experiments and performed repeatedly , the experts finally obtain third link these quantities as follows :

 1 1 1
 + = ................................. ( 2.7 )
So Si f
or ,
1 1 2
 + = ................................. ( 2.8 )
So Si R
Since R = 2f .

Description :
So = the distance from the object to the center of the mirror field .
Si = the distance from the shadow to the center of the mirror field .
R = the center of curvature mirror .
f = distance from the focal point to the center of the mirror field .

Because the shadow could be in front of a mirror or behind a mirror , it is used to distinguish the condition that for the shadow behind the mirror ( virtual image ) given a negative sign . If the calculation of distances obtained is negative shadow , the shadow formed illusory .

Concave mirror images size sometimes smaller or bigger than the size of the object . To determine whether the shadow of an object larger or smaller than the object , the magnification is defined shadows . Magnification of the shadow of states comparison between high- and high object shadow or the ratio between the distance of the shadow and object distance . If given the symbol M , magnification of the shadow can be expressed by the following equation :

- The hi
 M == ....................................... ( 2.9 )
 so ho

Description :
So = the distance from the object to the center of the mirror field .
Si = the distance from the shadow to the center of the mirror field .
ho = height of objects .
hi = high shadows .
M = magnification of objects .

Many areas of everyday life that make use of a concave mirror , both the simple and the application of advanced technology . Some of the benefits of a concave mirror is as follows :
  • a. Concave mirror can be used to collect light energy to have great power . In addition, the concave mirror can also be used to collect sound waves , heat radiation , and the TV signal . Nature of the concave mirror to collect this wave is applied to the satellite , oven light , telescopes and radar receivers .
  • b . Concave mirror can be used to align the beam of light coming from the lamp and projector flashlights like the movie theaters .
  • c . Concave mirror can be used to enlarge the shadow , for example, to make up or shave . You do this by placing objects between the focus and the center of the mirror field . The thought behind the mirror and magnified illusory .
Figure II.8 Examples of the formation of a concave mirror images

Concave Lenses

The main characteristic of a concave lens is thinner than the middle edges . Concave lens or a concave lens is often called a negative lens . The types of concave lens based curved surface form are as follows :
  1. Bikonkaf lens is a lens that has two concave surfaces .
  2. Plan - concave lens is a lens that has a concave surface and a flat surface .
  3. Concave - convex lens is a lens with one convex and one concave surface . In this case , the concave surface is more dominant than the convex surface .
Light is refracted by a concave lens is much fainter than the light coming. This is because the rays that come in parallel concave lens refracts the pervasive that concave lens called a diverging lens.

Parallel rays that come on the concave lens refracts the directions as if coming from a point in front of the lens. Point is called the focal point of a concave lens . Because the focal point formed by the intersection of the extension of the rays bias , the focal point of a concave lens is virtual or real. Beam comes on concave lenses could also come from the front or back of the lens. That is why the focus of a concave lens as well be two. Focus in front of the lens is called the focus (F1) and focus behind the lens called the back focus (F2).

                                                       Figure II.20 Illustration concave lens

Like a mirror , the concave lens also siniar that there are three preferentially refracted by the lens . Special rays and refraction properties of the concave lens is as follows :
  • a. Beam is parallel to the major axis comes refracted as if coming from the focal point .

                              Figure II.21 Refraction rays that come in parallel to the main axis
                              concave lens
  • b . Rays that seemed to come to the rear focal point refracts parallel to the main axis .
                Figure II.22 Refraction rays coming through the focal point of a concave lens
  • c . The rays coming through the optical center passed without refracted .
               Figure II.23 Refraction rays coming through the optical center of the concave lens
Equation is the same with the concave lens convex lens equation , namely :
1 1 1
 + = ................................. ( 2.15)
So Si f
- The hi
 M == .............................. ( 2.16)
 so ho

Description :
So = the distance from the object to the optical center of the lens .
Si = the distance from the shadow to the optical center of the lens .
ho = height of objects .
hi = high shadows .
M = magnification of objects .

Concave lens focal distance is negative because it is virtual . Real object located in front of the lens and the calculation is positive . Virtual object is located behind the lens and in the calculation is negative. Real image located behind the lens and in the calculation is positive . Virtual image is located in front of the lens and the calculations are negative .

Concave lenses can be used for patients with nearsightedness ( myopia ) . People who suffer from myopia can not see distant objects clearly because the shadow of the object falls on the retina . With the help of a concave lens , the image is spread so happened to fall on the retina .

When discussing the benefits of a convex lens , there is little mention of binoculars that use a convex lens and a concave lens . Concave lenses on these binoculars serves to reverse the image produced by a convex lens. Thus, the image produced by the telescope to be upright. Binoculars are using a concave lens as inverting the shadow is called the Galileo telescope or binoculars stage.

                              Example II.24 shadow image formation in concave lens

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Problem Restrictions Mirror Lens

That the discussion does not stray from the goal, it needs to make the discussion of restrictions, is as follows:
  1. The input of the software consists of a range of objects and distances in units of cm mirror and a focal point of the lens in units of cm.
  2. Distance of the focal point of the mirror and the lens is limited between 0 to 100.
  3. Shadow objects to be set up in the form of a horse and the chess pieces rotating on its axis.

Problem Identification Mirror Lens

Problem Identification mirror lens

Based on the description of the background, then the problem is:
  1.  Describe the process of forming a shadow on the mirror and lens.
  2. Creating software aids the formation of a shadow on the mirror and the lens by using the programming language Visual Basic 6.0.

Objectives and Benefits of Writing a Mirror Lens

The objective of this is to design a software aids the formation of a shadow in the mirror and lens.

The benefits of this arrangement, which is to help the learning process of the formation of a shadow on the mirror and the lens at the same time the software can be used as a support facility to the learning process.

Background Mirror Lens

Physical Science can be used to explain natural phenomena that happen around us. One part of the science of physics is quite interesting to learn about the formation of a shadow in the mirror and lens.

Broadly speaking, the mirror can be divided into three types, namely flat mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror. While the lens can be divided into two kinds, namely convex lens and a concave lens. The process of formation of the shadow of any kind of mirrors and lenses are different, depending on its nature. Concave mirror and a convex lens is said to be positive, while the convex mirror and concave lens is said to be negative.

Authors interested in designing a software that is able to help the understanding of the formation of a shadow on the mirror and the lens. Therefore, the authors take the final project (thesis) entitled "Software Design and Establishment of Shadows on the Mirror Lens".

Abstract Mirrors and Lenses

Physical Science can be used to explain natural phenomena that happen around us. One part of the science of physics is quite interesting to learn about the formation of a shadow in the mirror and lens.

Broadly speaking, the mirror can be divided into three types, namely flat mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror. While the lens can be divided into two kinds, namely convex lens and a concave lens. The process of formation of the shadow of any kind of mirrors and lenses are different, depending on its nature.

Concave mirror and a convex lens is said to be positive, while the convex mirror and concave lens is said to be negative.